Archives for August 2003

Contract opportunity: formatting outlines

I have a desire for some Mac OS X “glue” code, and I’m looking for thoughts on whether it would be affordable for me to contract the work. If this can be built for a small fee then I’ll be happy to contract for it. If it’s a bigger project than I imagine, perhaps I […]

Onsale 9 AM

turned the corner on the park and there were like 40 people on the steps of the opera house. thinking quickly i grabbed my cell phone figuring that if the line moved slowly i’d call from the line and it might be faster. almost got hit by a car crossing the road. not really, but […]

Sexual Orientation

Parents: Are you concerned about your teenager’s understanding of sex and sexual activity? Do they know about “the birds and the bees” but you’re not sure if they know “how to do it?” If they are doing it are they getting as much as they possibly can from the experience? Would you like their first […]