Archives for August 2004

Around the Capital of Magic with the Bikemob

Ted Ernst will love this. “I had a truly exhilarating experience last night. The beautiful Juliette Powell and I biked over to Union Square and connected up with roughly 5000 bicyclists for tour of the city.”


For anyone who wonders what it’s like to go to a large rock and roll festival these days – not a corporate branded affair, but a middle-of-nowhere major-committment visionquest TREK, you could do a lot worse than to spend half an hour at: This is a day-by-day journal by a local resident of Coventry, […]

What’s Wrong With Conservatism

An very important essay by Phil E. Agre. Link and distribute far and wide. Excerpt: Liberals in the United States have been losing political debates to conservatives for a quarter century. In order to start winning again, liberals must answer two simple questions: what is conservatism, and what is wrong with it? As it happens, […]

Problems with the free market

An article on neo-liberalism by Henry Giroux. He says: “Free market fundamentalism rather than democratic idealism is now the driving force of economics and politics in most of the world, and it is a market ideology driven not just by profits but by an ability to reproduce itself…. Wedded to the belief that the market […]