Archives for January 2005

Nofollow Atribute

I have installed the Moveable Type “nofollow” plug-in to try and help deter comment spam. If you’re running a weblog, most vendors are supporting this, and I highly recommend you install this on your system.

Future Of Apple

Well, with all the discussion about the Mac mini, the iPod Shuffle, iLife ’05, iWork, and other miscellaneous Apple-related announcements, you may be interested in this intelligence from DigiTimes. Taiwan contract manufacturers for Apple Product Contract maker Estimated shipment volumes for 2005 Delivery date iPod shuffle Asustek 400k-500k/month Available now iPod/iPod Photo/iPod Mini Inventec Appliances […]

Avoiding Software Fear

We had a social lunch today, seven people, all involved with web or application development. At one point, someone asked something along the lines of, “What is your obligation to customers to use ‘standard’ technology that will be around when they need to update their app?” Another person mentioned the ease of getting Java programmers; […]

Your Brain Wants To Participate

It’s all about the conversation! Fantastic post on writing style and reader engagement by the authors of the “Head First” series of books. Great stuff!

Four Hot Applications

It’s too late to say anything cogent about folksonomies, but this paper does pretty well. Check out the following four web applications and look at how they’re allowing users to tag and browse content. It’s a wonderful new wave of innovation. – Social bookmarks. flickr – Social photo sharing. Books We Like (Howard Rheingold […]

Synchronicity Abounds

Very synchronous day. Examples: Thought about this idea “folksonomy” that’s all the rage, and thought I should write it up for Pat. (And will post here when I get around to it.) Decided to leave home early and stop at the Lebanon Coop for a Nibby Bar chocolate treat before my 4.5 hours of meetings […]