Looks Like Rain

Brave the storm to come.
It’s January in northern New England, and it’s 49 degrees (F) and pouring rain outside. The dirt road is having a mini-mud season, and we have stuff to move tomorrow. I’ve heard of January thaw, but *come on!* Yesterday I was in Boston (indoors all day) and when I left at 7 PM it was 53 degrees outside! I walked around in a sport coat like it was April. When I got home 120 miles north at 9:30 it was still 40 degrees. Comfortable, but weird.
Driving home the northbound traffic out of Boston on a Friday night was heavy all the way north. On Rt 89, between Exit 13 (when I first noticed) and Exit 16 (when I got off) there was a non-stop procession of Massachusetts SUVs headed to the ski areas. Literally, perhaps 200 sport tourists headed into the hills. Plus the usual assortment aggressive drivers who insist on tailgating and dodging lanes trying to get ahead, even if only one or two cars. Or the senior couples driving 50 mph in fear because the rain at 50 degrees might possibly maybe lead to black ice.