Danah Boyd

So this “crazy, overachieving, passionate, activist grrl” Danah Boyd is pretty interesting. Her ETech presentation, G/localization: When Global Information and Local Interaction Collide, got a lot of pixels this week for good reason.

My name is danah boyd and i am a PhD student at the School of Information (SIMS) at the University of California, Berkeley. My research focuses on how people negotiate a presentation of self to unknown audiences in mediated contexts. In particular, my dissertation is looking at how youth develop a sense of individual and cultural identity in “public” online environments like LiveJournal, Xanga and MySpace. Additionally, i am concerned with how digital publics do not look like the physical publics that we traditionally consider.

Prior to my current project, i studied blogging, articulated social network services (e.g. Friendster, Tribe.net, LinkedIn…). I have written papers on a variety of different topics, from digital backchannels to social visualization design, sexing of internet interactions to creating artifacts for memory work.

* Website
* Blog
* Papers
* M.S. thesis
Worth paying attention.