Sometimes It’s Better Not To Know

We had our Co-op annual meeting tonight. As board president, it means I’m more or less running the show. The face of the meeting at least. Luckily we have a great staff and I can pretty much show up half-an hour before and everything is all set up. But I have to have an agenda […]

Alex Meets The New Neighbor

Database uber-nerd Philip Greenspun checks in with 34 photos of a 13-week old Golden Retriever meeting his much-loved Samoyed Alex. As a commenter noted, this probably violates a maximum cuteness regulation. Also, unrelated except by the author, he’s looking for a personal assistant, and the job description is a paragon of the modern age.

Update on Police Solicitations

Re: the solicitations and implications. Got a call from the Chief of Police. Turns out this was an International Brotherhood of Police Officers union project, which was not cleared through the town administration. The complaints started coming in, and finally today they went down to the telephone “boiler room” and read them the riot act […]

Choosing Your Empty Calories

If you read the last post you might get the idea that I’m a model of healthful eating. Well, I eat a lot better than the average bear, but I still want variety and tasty goodness every once in a while. I’ve started to pay attention to the calorie counts on various junk foods and […]

Stomach vs. Bloodstream

Now that I’m exercising more I’ve started to notice a difference in how I think about hunger, and this could be a helpful distinction for children learning about eating, or adults trying to change their habits. In the past, when I was hungry, it was mostly about satisfying my stomach with something tasty. It was […]

More on Police Solicitations

Good morning Julia and Nicholas, When I woke up today I had more questions about the police solicitations. — Is Jim Reid an employee of the Hanover Police Department? The voicemail said “with” the Hanover PD, so I assume he is, because if he isn’t he should have said “for” the Hanover PD. — If […]

Police Solicitations

Hello Julia and Nicholas, I received a voicemail today from Jim Reid. The message was (exact transcription), “Mike this is Jim Reid calling with the Hanover Police. Please give me a call at 448-1108. No emergency, just gotta talk to you. Thank you.” So, I’m sure you know where this is going: This was a […]

Stuff You Don’t Have Time To Read Either

* The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom (book, wiki, free pdf). * Collaborative Thesaurus Tagging the Wikipedia Way (abstract, pdf, author’s blog). * Integral Communication (review, master’s thesis pdf). They all look great. Wish I had time to read them. Maybe next year.

Once in a while you get shown the light…

…in the strangest of places if you look at it right. The earth is not handed down to you from your parents, it is on loan to you from your children. —Message printed on Ruth’s check.

Regulating Sliced Bread

I am tired of buying pre-sliced loaves of bread that have an odd number of slices. WTF? What do you do with one slice of bread? Is this some sort of industry handout for the songbirds or something? There oughta be a law.

A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall

Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son? Oh, where have you been, my darling young one? I’ve stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains, I’ve walked and I’ve crawled on six crooked highways, I’ve stepped in the middle of seven sad forests, I’ve been out in front of a dozen dead oceans, I’ve […]

Primary Sources

From a phone conversation: “I got email from and Working Assets – something about Iran. I thought, ‘I should go over to Notio and see what’s up.’” Scary, isn’t it?

New Service Offering

Do you need to procrastinate more? We can help. Notio is now offering a new service: Procrastination Coaching. We have dozens, hundreds even, if not thousands, of ways to avoid the critical to-do items on your list. Our program includes advanced techniques such as using non-profit volunteer work to avoid the paying gigs, using life […]

Touch Base

Yesterday I got three emails with the subject “Touch Base” or “Touching Base.” One from a current colleague, one from a contractor about to start a project, and one from a former co-worker I hadn’t caught up with in a while. I can’t remember the last time I got an email with that subject, so […]

Quote Of The Day

“Keep in mind that four psyches will be vying for control: two innocent children who are confused and hurt, and two adults trying to make strong heroic statements. Take care of the children.” —David Kantor, My Lover, Myself

This Week’s Mail

Jeff: Might be a question of ‘adequation’. Adequation is one of the seven paradigmata. (The third, I believe.) The one that has to do with issues like “What sort of answer would you find satisfying for that question?” In other words: It’s particularly difficult to find something if you both aren’t looking for the same […]

Focus Over Planning

It’s amazing, really. If you actually get up early, get your butt in the chair at work, focus, don’t surf the web, avoid blogging, have enough caffeine, ignore unrelated phone calls, turn off email, don’t clean your office, don’t run errands, don’t call anyone for lunch, don’t buy office supplies, and do only things that […]

N-Dimensional Web 2.0

Many people are trying to define “Web 2.0” – what it is, what it means, how to build Web 2.0 apps, what makes a company a Web 2.0 company, etc. All of those efforts fall short, because Web 2.0 is n-dimensional. Web 2.0 is “reflecting more complex multivariable situations.1” Today I learned of a new […]

April Snow

Looking northeast out the kitchen door this morning. A beautiful tangle. Wet snow on shadowy branches. Blue sky, but cloudy. Moving shards of sunlight dart around the view. Looking into the woods, but can’t see that far. Trees at odd angles, falling over but not yet dead. They’ll never stand straight again – should we […]

Ratdoggy Style

I’m in Boston for a SoL consulting gathering. Conveniently, Ratdog played across town at the Orpheum Theater last night. Technically, I’m staying in Charlestown at the Constitution Inn, which is in the Navy Shipyard, which is sort of a planned community built in the 1700’s. I left the hotel and walked to find a restaurant. […]